I noticed: That people were doing things really quickly.
What I saw was: People following these steps.
What I heard was:A lot of yelling and laughing
What we did was We tried our hardest to come first
What I felt was my hands getting warmer than colder
I think that : It was really fun and we should do it again.
SC: put ideas into paragraph, ticked off ideas as they went,use all ideas from organise plan
STARTING Our ice ice baby experiment starts off with our cube of ice. At first, We are trying a few ways/steps to melt our ice via water, squeezing the ice in our palms, rubbing the ice on the table, also putting the ice into a cloth and leaving it there for a sec 10 secs the most. Afterward, We had come to a point where we had a discovered that our ice cube had melted very very fast being applied/Put into water. Second fastest was the ice cube being rubbed on the table for a few seconds. Third, was the ice cube Being squeezed in between our palms.
In our group we all hoped that we would get immerse in water and sometimes we would take turns as quick as we can.
When we got to rub on the table it would melt a lot more faster. We would always warm our hands just in case we would get squeeze and hold.
I notice that people in my class were trying their hardest to make the ice melt faster. When sally said it was a competitions our movement got faster+bigger we would focus on following instruction so we could be the first one to win.